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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Life is Sacred, even cats realize this, why else do they sleep most of it

Good Afternoon all,
I haven't been on here to blog in a while since my work has taken me in and out alot, but tonight I wanted to share in this bleek time of our American Culture, some upbeat fun filed stuff. Of course with Yahoo posting headlines such as 18 million US familes struggle to feed their families then right below that talking about how great Barak Obama's wife's dress was at the convention, I just have to set back and look at American media and go REALLY? REALLY? This brings me to my post tonight. It is a quoted article from one of my favorite writers Chris Hedges. Some of you if you have never heard of him, go pick up a book or go to If you want to know the real truth about what's going on in our society today, none of the blatant lies we read or hear on the news. Check it out. But read this wonderful heart felt article, and if it doesn't move you or stir you to think, nothing with. Then enjoy some fun and funny cat stuff below.

Life Is Sacred

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Posted on Sep 3, 2012
AP/Biswaranjan Rout
A village boy leads his goat across a parched pond on the outskirts of the eastern Indian city of Bhubaneswar.

By Chris Hedges
I retreat in the summer to the mountains and coasts of Maine and New Hampshire to sever myself from the intrusion of the industrial world. It is in the woods and along the rugged Atlantic coastline, the surf thundering into the jagged rocks, that I am reminded of our insignificance before the universe and the brevity of human life. The stars, thousands visible in the night canopy above me, mock human pretensions of grandeur. They whisper the biblical reminder that we are dust and to dust we shall return. Love now, they tell us urgently, protect what is sacred, while there is still time. But now I go there also to mourn. I mourn for our future, for the fading majesty of the natural world, for the folly of the human species. The planet is dying. And we will die with it.
The giddy, money-drenched, choreographed carnival in Tampa and the one coming up in Charlotte divert us from the real world—the one steadily collapsing around us. The glitz and propaganda, the ridiculous obsessions imparted by our electronic hallucinations, and the spectacles that pass for political participation mask the deadly ecological assault by the corporate state. The worse it gets, the more we retreat into self-delusion. We convince ourselves that global warming does not exist. Or we concede that it exists but insist that we can adapt. Both responses satisfy our mania for eternal optimism and our reckless pursuit of personal comfort. In America, when reality is distasteful we ignore it. But reality will soon descend like the Furies to shatter our complacency and finally our lives. We, as a species, may be doomed. And this is a bitter, bitter fact for a father to digest. 
My family and I hike along the desolate coastline of an island in Maine that is accessible only by boat. We stop in the afternoons on remote inlets and look out across the Atlantic Ocean or toward the shoreline and the faint outline of the Camden hills. My youngest son throws pebbles into the surf. My daughter toddles over the rounded beach stones holding her mother’s hand. The gray and white seagulls chatter loudly overhead. The scent of salt is carried by the wind. Life, the life of my family, the life around me, is exposed at once as fragile and sacred. And it is worth fighting to save.
When I was a boy and came to this coast on duck hunting trips with my uncle, fishing communities were vibrant. The fleets caught haddock, cod, herring, hake, halibut, swordfish, pollock and flounder. All these fish have vanished from the area, victims of commercial fishing that saw huge trawlers rip up the seafloor and kill the corals, bryozoans, tubeworms and other species that nurtured new schools of fish. The trawlers left behind barren underwater wastelands of mud and debris. It is like this across the planet. Forests are cut down. Water is contaminated. Air is saturated with carbon emissions. Soil is depleted. Acidity levels in the oceans skyrocket. Atmospheric temperatures soar. And someone, somewhere, makes obscene sums of money from it. Corporations, indifferent to what is sacred, see the death of the planet as another investment opportunity. They are scurrying to mine the exposed polar waters for the last vestiges of oil, gas, minerals and fish. And since the corporations dictate our relationship to the ecosystem on which we depend for life, the chances of our survival look bleaker and bleaker. The final phase of 5,000 years of settled human activity ends with collective insanity.
“All my means are sane,” Captain Ahab says of his suicidal pursuit of Moby-Dick, “my motive and my object mad.”

The ocean floor off the coast of Maine, which this summer has seen a staggering five-degree rise in water temperature, is now covered in crustaceans—lobsters and crabs—that no longer have any predators. The fish stocks have been killed for profit. This crustacean monoculture carries with it the fragility of all monocultures, a fragility that corn farmers in the Midwest also have experienced. Lobsters provide 80 percent of Maine’s seafood income. But how much longer will they last? When a diverse and intricately balanced biosystem is wiped out, what future is there? After you dismantle nature and throw away the parts, what happens when you desperately need to put them back together? And even if you can nurture back to life the fish stocks decimated by the commercial fleets, as valiant organizations such as the Penobscot East Resource Center are attempting to do, what happens when sea temperatures and acidity levels continue to rise amid global warming, dooming most life in the oceans?
(Page 2)
The warmer water this year caused lobsters to shed six weeks earlier than usual. What happened to the sea further south is now happening off New England. Long Island Sound, two decades ago, had an abundance of lobsters. Then as the water heated up they disappeared. They fell prey to parasite infestations and shell disease, and the survivors migrated to colder water.
All natural resources are being exploited until exhaustion. They will diminish and soon vanish. Droughts are affecting forests in the Northeast as well as the Northwest. The wintertime die-off of pine beetles and other pests—a reduction vital for the health of the forests—is no longer happening as the planet steadily warms. The traditional hardwoods of the northern forests and the great conifer trees are dying. They are being replaced by oak-hickory forests, dooming the biodiversity, eradicating the habitat of a variety of songbirds and other wildlife and ending the maple syrup industry. Maple syrup was produced a few decades ago in Connecticut and Massachusetts. As a child I would hike in snowshoes to the farmers’ sheds deep in the woods containing vats of boiling syrup. We would pour syrup on the blanket of snow outside to make brittle winter candy. But production in the southern New England states has been largely extinguished and shifted to northern Maine and Canada. These are the small natural indicators that something is terribly wrong.
The daily loss of Arctic sea ice this summer is the most severe on record. The amount of sea ice has fallen by 40 percent since satellite tracking began in the late 1970s. The complete disappearance of summer Arctic sea ice may be no more than a decade or two away. And with the disappearance of the summer ice, our planet’s weather patterns will become dominated by freakishly powerful and sudden storms and other violent natural disturbances. Droughts will devastate some parts of the Earth, and in others there will be unrelenting rainfall. It will be a world of extremes. Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Floods. Dust bowls. Fire and water. 
Our political leaders, Democrat and Republican, are complicit in our demise. Our political system, like that in the declining days of ancient Rome, is one of legalized bribery. Politicians, including Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, serve the demented ends of corporations that will, until the final flicker of life, attempt to profit from our death spiral. Civil disobedience, including the recent decision by Greenpeace activists to chain themselves to a Gazprom supply vessel and obstruct a Russian oil rig, is the only meaningful form of resistance. Voting is useless. But while I support these heroic acts of resistance, I increasingly fear they may have little effect. This does not mean we should not resist. Resistance is a moral imperative. We cannot use the word “hope” if we do not fight back. But the corporations will employ deadly force to protect their drive to extract the last bit of profit from life. We can expect only mounting hostility from the corporate state. Its internal and external security apparatus, as the heedless exploitation and its fatal consequences become more apparent, will seek to silence and crush all dissidents. Corporations care nothing for democracy, the rule of law, human rights or the sanctity of life. They are determined to be the last predator standing. And then they too will be snuffed out. Unrestrained hubris always leads to self-immolation. "

And with that I will end with a postive note, hug your cat, realize he loves you more than most and learn from how he lives his/her life.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Could we learn from our cats a better way of life??

Why you should be more like your cats. I am often thinking about how content my cat is every time I look at him. He is marveled at the simplest thing, a bug, a twitch of a shoelace, a simple wave of my hand. How he pays close attention to the things we often miss or brush aside. Many people say cats are highly sensitive, I say they are more appreciative of the world around them. We as a society have become so under appreciative and over jealous of the word "want". We want what we cannot afford, and desire the things we know we should avoid. Out minds never seem at rest, driving ourselves into the ground trying to work only to find that once we can foord it, we are either too old to use it, or too tired to complete it. Lucky the astro cat, never worries, never frets, just content to set on the chair in the kitchen and star out at all the wondrous things God created. He delights at a simple butterfly, or a rabbit passing by, never concerned that there is a war being fought or a murder being committed somewhere in some far away city. It takes me back to when my great grandfather was just a boy. Of course harder times that's certain, and yet simpler. A child got maybe one or two toys, or fruit for Christmas, a hard days work was worth a good home cooked meal and a warm nights sleep. The word desire mean to long for something. A cat longs for a back rub, a good meal, and a warm couch to snuggle up on. He longs for a tree to scratch his nails on and a warm ray of sunshine to set in on a cool day. We as humans could take note from a cat, and learn a few rules of contentment from them. Perhaps our lives would be less violent, more simple, and offer fewer stresses. I doubt very seriously people will stop from their fast paced lifestyles to bother learning it, but we can still hope that one day they will look back on all the chaos they caused and how we as a human race ultimatly destroyed one another all in the name of progress, profit and desires. Well ponder tonight when you rub your feline companion for a moment at their simple lives, and think of your own. Food for thought.
God Bless and have a good night.

How do you know if your cat is sick??

The other day my older cat Lucky the Astro cat, appeared to feel bad. He was moping around the house all day and just didnt seem to feel himself. Of course concerned I called my local vet who is a friend of ours and this info below is what he told us. I hope this will help you in your concerns for your own best friend. Of course Lucy's problem was somethign I had not realized, he had an overactive hair ball which after passing it with the help of some medicated gel, he was back to playing and romping about like his old self.

The cat's coat will tell you about its health. If the cats diet is good and in general good condition, the coat should be gleaming and free from dandruff. The cats eye's should be clear and bright, with no discharge, redness or blinking. The tissue around the cats eye should be pink and not red. The cats nose leather should be cool and slightly damp.

Often, it's only by knowing how your cat normally acts and behaves that you will be able to tell if it is unwell. Your cat's health depends on you, so don't be afraid to say if you think something is wrong, no matter how small. The vet many only see your cat once a year, and will not know its general behaviour. Make sure you note your cats behaviour with regards to eating and drinking.

The first sign of your cat being unwell may be a change in its normal behaviour. If your cat is normally friendly and starts to show signs of aggression then look for other signs of illness as well. A lack of response to being called may mean a fever or a temporary deafness caused by an ear mite infestation.

An ungroomed look to your cats coat with abnormally raised fur is a general indication of ill health.
If you are still concerned, then check your cat's stools; they should be firm with out a strong odour. If you have an outdoor cat, try to confine it and provide it with a litter tray to check.
Diarrhoea may be caused by an upset stomach, if the cat has eaten contaminated food from a dustbin, but is could be something more serious, if it is persistent. Constipation can also be a problem, especially if there is any blood in the stools.
If the third eyelid is visible, it means that there is an infection, or something has got into the cats eye. Any redness or inflammation or thick yellow discharge is cause for concern. If either of the cats pupils appear diluted and does not react to bright light, this needs urgent veterinary attention.
Clear wax in the ear is normal, but any dark brown wax is not. This may mean that there are ear mites, which will need veterinary attention. Also look out for seeds and grass that may have got stuck in the ear. A cat will shake and scratch its ear should a seed get stuck in it. The wall of the ear canal and flap (pinna) is very delicate. A puncture to the pinna often results in a haematoma (a large blood blister) that could become infected if not treated. If the cats ears get very hot, the cat may have temperature, but check this is not because your cat has been lying in the sun or somewhere hot before you rush your cat to the vet.
Light vomiting is normal, and no cause for concern, you cat may have just eaten its food too fast, or it may be fur balls. But persistent vomiting especially if it contains blood is important and you should check with your vet to find the cause.
A good indication that a cat has a temperature, is that its ears are hot. A rectal thermometer is needed in order to take a precise temperature reading, which should be 38-38.5°C. Unless you have been taught how to do this properly, you should let your vet do it.
Key pulse points are located under the forearms (armpits) and back legs (groin). The pulse rate may vary between 120 and 170 depending on how active your cat is. The average is 150.
You should check your cat regularly to make sure it is in good condition. Early signs of conditions such as mite infestation or fleas will prevent more serious problems developing later. A good time to check you cat is when you are both relaxing together. If you cat shows any signs of ill health or discomfort you can go through the checking points described above. Then you can take your cat to the vet should you need to, and give a detailed report of what you have found.
A good reason for grooming your cat regularly is that you will find any lumps or signs of fleas, mites, ticks or lice. Comb the cat over with some moistened absorbent paper. If the grit removed leaves a red stain, these are blood-gorged faeces of fleas. If not, the cat has probably just been rolling in the garden.
Small, raised grey or whitish lumps indicate ticks. These can irritate the cat as the tick's head is buried deep into the skin, leaving only the body visible. They should be removed as soon as possible, but care should be taken not to leave the head behind as this can cause an abscess.
The claws of an indoor cat need to be checked regularly in case they need clipping and to prevent them from ingrowing. Also check for any soreness or wounds on the pads.

How to keep your cat's litter box smelling sweeter

One thing I aways dread when coming home from work is the smell of my cat's nasty litter box. After alot or research, I have finally found some ideas that work to keep it smelly better. Give this a try and see if you also have good luck like we did.

7 Tips to Keep Your Cat’s Litter Box Smelling Fresh!

By Ariane Benefit
Is there anything worse that having a guest come into your home and instantly say “Oh, you have a cat?” And the cat is nowhere to be seen? Oops. That’s a good sign you may not be keeping the litter box as clean as possible.
In my work as a professional organizer, organizing the litter box is usually the first thing to be done for my dear cat loving clients. In my 25 years of owning cats, I’ve tried everything to make the job of keeping the litter box clean smelling easier. I’m proud to say that today I have 3 gorgeous Maine Coone cats (you can see pictures on my blog) and guests in my home are always SURPRISED when they see the cats. That’s because they can’t smell them!
Here are seven organizing tips to keep your cat’s litter box neat, clean & fresh.
1) NEVER put the litter box in your own bathroom unless you absolutely have to! The litter gets everywhere and it stinks. If you have to keep it there, get a fully enclosed litter box with an opening for the cat to walk through. They will track litter outside the box though. So that leads to my next tip.
2) The best place place to keep the litter box is in a small closet with cleaning supplies. Just make sure to keep the door cracked open. I recommend keeping a long item such as shelf paper on one of the shelves so the door can’t be accidentally closed. If the area is carpeted, line it with plastic or vinyl carpet liner. Or better yet, remove the carpet if you can. Be sure to get a litter box that has high walls and a dome or cover. The Booda
3) Clean Step Dome Litter Box works great and really does help cut down on the litter tracking.
Every time you scoop the litter, use a handheld vacuum to clean the area around the box. Store the vacuum cleaner on a shelf or hang it on a wall in the closet. My favorite vacuums are the Black and Decker ones that use the same rechargeable batteries as all the other B&D tools. We keep an extra set of batteries and charger by each vacuum so we never run out of power.
4) Use a great litter. The best litter I’ve found in 26 years of living with cats is Tidy Cats with Crystal Blend Scoopable litter and now I use the new Tidy Cats “Small Spaces” litter mixed in. Even with 3 cats, it keeps odors under control. Make sure to fill your box half full with litter. One of the most common mistakes I see is too little litter in the box. Cat’s like a very clean box, if there isn’t enough litter, they may go outside the box. And if they use the box without enough litter, it will stink horribly!
5) Remember to scoop often. Make that job easier by keeping a large scooper hanging near the box, and plastic grocery bag holder attached to the inside door. Keep it stuffed with lots of grocery bags. Every day, scoop the pet waste into a bag, double bag it, tie it up airtight and put it in the trash.
6) Keep a roll of paper towels near wherever the litter box is. If it’s in a closet, use a paper towel holder that screws into the door and hang the paper towels on the inside of the door. Also keep a spray cleaner handy.
7) Empty the box completely once a month. Dump the litter into one of your handy grocery bags. Use your paper towels or a disposable pop-up cleaning product such as Clorox Wipes handy to clean the litter box and the surrounding floor. When you are done, throw the towels or wipes in with the litter, tie the bag up tight and dump it in the trash!
There you have it. A nicely organized litter box area. So what’s keeping you? Go and organize that litter box today so you’ll never again have a guest smell the cat before they even meet the dear furbaby!
© 2006 Ariane Benefit, Neat Living
Ariane Benefit, M.S.Ed., is a professional organizer, consultant, speaker, and author of the Neat Living Blog at which provides expert organizing tips, home makeover photos and much more. Her mission is to help people simplify, clear clutter, and get organized enough to live a life they love! She provides practical creative solutions for people who want a neater, simpler, less stressful life. Ariane can be found on the web at

Friday, October 7, 2011

Were back folks

Happily I am here again renewing this blog to highlight the new and funny antics of Lucky the astro cat and our latest addition Stormy the cat wonder. This week we will be posting vids of them and their humerous daily antics that keep us even in the darkest hours of our lift laughing and cackling until our sides hurt. One thing I think all of us cat people can understand is that these fantastic felines know our inner thoughts and hopes making out lives fuller for being our friends and just loving us for who we are. Stay tuned to to our series HOW TO articles to learn more about your pets

First How to:How to keep your cats off furniture and appliances

A cat in the house provides many with companionship, but they can destroy your home if you let them. Cat hair is very hard to completely remove from a couch, and a cat's urine seems to linger on the sofa no matter how many times you have it cleaned. And besides, who wants to be making dinner only to find pieces of cat hair in their food? There are definitely places in the house that you might want to make off-limits to cats. Here is a simple, humane way to teach cats where they are not allowed.

Moderately Easy


Things You'll Need

  • Spray bottle
  • Water
    • 1
      Spend time with your cat. If you are gone most of the day, every day, be prepared for it to take longer for your cat to be trained. If you can make an effort to spend time at home, the message will be very consistent and clear to your cat.
    • 2
      Fill the spray bottle with water and keep it on the kitchen counter, next to the sofa, or on the night stand by your bed--just somewhere close to where you are not going to allow your cat to be.
    • 3
      Whenever your cat jumps up onto wherever they are not supposed to be, give them a spray of water in the face with the spray bottle and yell, "NO! NO!". Cats hate water, even though it is harmless to them. After being sprayed your cat will run in the opposite direction.
    • 4
      Be consistent! You do not have to follow your cat around the house all day, but make sure that EVERY TIME you find your cat where they are not supposed to be, spray and scold them. Cats are smart. It won't be long before they associate the forbidden surface with the scary water and they will not attempt to jump on the table again

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Future of our world:Bleak or Natural your choice

Today I was setting with Lucky outside, just admiring the beautiful sunshine as it filted through the eighty foot tall white oak in out back year. I had been online ready about how the U.S imports, nearly 1.8 million barrels of oil per day, most of which derives from Canada, Mexico and then Saudi Arabia. Exports report that the world is consuming oil it doesn't even know has been produced yet. This ideology is similar to running a race of five miles when you actually only have enough energy to run two. What my short blog today concerns is the way people need to start thinking of the world around it. We were placed here not to conquer the earth, but to be stewards of it, to preserve it or maintain it. Today I want to share thoughts given to me by some EXPERTS of the subject. Read these articles, they will open your eyes. and

I want to end today's blog with a simple appeal by 105 different tribes and 1200 tribal elders from across the United States. I say we listen, heed their warnings, and take notice of what is happening. I compare our world to a child who is setting on a railroad track playing with a certain toy. The train is coming, we can see its lights, hear it's whistle. The parent just sets there on the train knowing well their child is on the tracks up ahead, ignoring how close the train is approaching. Oh so proud they are of what they've achieved with this new fine railroad track. The see the beautiful well built train, the speed of it, the hand crafted box cars and elegant one of a kind engine. All of a sudden they see the child up ahead, but to stop the train would destroy the break system, perhaps delay the record breaking time their company has set, giving over to another would be rival companies statistics. Oh, what to do, perhaps yell out the window, but then the whistle is too loud, maybe jump off the train and wave for the child to see. No, the train is moving too fast to get off now.

You see, the world is moving too fast for people to jump off this productive, technological ride now. If we slow down or stop productivity, we might lose out to another country, or fall back a few years and that would be devistating to our egos. We could yell out faint warnings most of them covered over or unheard due to the media or mass idiology of political thinking, greed, selfishness, and wantant pride. So what happens now? Well the children of our future are the one's who will pay for this mistake, they will have the economic destruction to clean up should we run out of oil. They will have to pay the inflationary taxes, and loss of economic security. What's wrong with simpleness?What's so bad about living close to nature? Does it make the human ego smaller? Does it cause those who feel that their own minds achieved this success, to feel smaller amidst the creator's own hand? Perhaps. I leave you with what the Elders proclaimed at the conference for the aging in 2000.
"As we stand before the dawn of a new millennium, we pray for America’s survival, our survival.

We pray that we will be given strength by the Creator to follow the footsteps of our forefathers to share our love, respect and compassion for one another. There is good in everyone because our Creator has put a little of Himself in all of us.

We pray for forgiveness for the pain and suffering we have caused one another.

We pray that our children will not repeat our mistakes.

We pray that we can respect the diversity of America; all life is sacred. Every child born is a precious gift of our Creator. It is our sacred trust to embrace children from all walks of life because we are part of the same family.

We pray that children will honor and respect their elders-that is where the wisdom comes from. This respect will not allow forgotten elders. We are all equal, with each having our own special gift to contribute. These values allow our youth to become leaders and workers in our society. Children, you are our future and our hope for the people. Stand and be courageous.

We pray to learn and use the wisdom of all that has come before us, to achieve personal successes and to contribute to those of others. Only when our young ones learn respect for everything can they evolve.


We pray for respect and love of Mother Earth because she is the foundation of human survival and we must keep her pollution-free for those who will travel after us. Protect her water, air, soil, trees, forests, plants and animals.

Do not just take and waste resources. Make it a priority to conserve.

The land is given to us by the Creator to care for, not to own. If we take care of the land, the land will take care of us.


We should have respect for each other. We pray for commitment and responsible behavior in order to help those in need and to give them support and friendship. Be an example in life that others may follow; serve people, community and country.

We should all strive to be a leaders and contributors. Do not sit back and let others plan and do all the thinking.

Let us unite together so that we may have the strength to protect our future. Strength comes from working through trials and tribulations.


Spiritual health is the key to holistic health.

We pray to have the discipline to set healthy examples for our children to follow.

Respecting everyone and everything in the universe starts with self-respect.

Take time to listen and take care of your body and spirit.

Family and Youth

Family is important and precious. Always let them know that they are loved.

Let your children and grandchildren know you are always there to love and support them and that they mean the world to you no matter what they do or say. Children are of infinite value.

Live what you teach. Spiritual values, honesty, and integrity start in the home.

We pray for the youth. We must teach the youth to work together and respect all that is living on our Mother Earth.

We need to convey to our younger generations that the survival of our people lies in spirituality.


We pray to learn ways to settle differences peacefully.

Teach respect for each other’s ideas. Value honesty on all levels, from children to parents to community to governments. We will be happy when we create peace with each other.

To the Seventh Generation

  • Survive
  • Keep hopes and dreams
  • Take care of yourself
  • Remember your spirit
  • Be there for each other
  • Respect courage
  • Share knowledge
  • Always keep learning
  • Remember your true values "

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Some unknown Cat diseases can lead to serious results! Be Informed All!

There are few concerns in life worse that the one for our families health and wellbeing. For many our beloved feline friends are just as important. I wanted in this post tonight to go over a few of the unknown and often overlooked of these illnesses. When our family friend comes down with an illness it is natural to want to diagnose the problem as soon as possible. What few of us realize however is that for many cat's,  illnesses are deadly if ignored. This is why early intervention is crucial to saving your cat's life. I'll list six of the main illnessess, of course there are others out there, but these are most frequently talked about.

Feline Infectious Peritonitis

  • Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is the number one cause of infectious death in cats. This disease is spread as a virus and is very difficult to detect as its symptoms are very similar to a number of other cat illnesses. FIP has a few very serious and dire symptoms, such as recurrent fevers, seizure, eye bleeding, abdominal swelling, loss of balance and weight loss. FIP is fatal. A few treatments of FIP will lengthen a cat's life, but every cat infected with FIP eventually succumbs to the disease.

    Immunodeficiency Virus

  • Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is the kitty equivalent to HIV. FIV causes the immune system to weaken slowly over time. This cat illness is most commonly spread by aggressive males through bite marks. Most symptoms of FIV are acute and include fever and swollen lymph nodes. Most cases of FIV go unnoticed until the cat's immune system is so weak that he eventually becomes sick and dies. There is no cure for FIV.

  • Feline Diabetes

  • Older, overweight, male cats are the most likely to be afflicted with cat illnesses like feline diabetes. The symptoms of feline diabetes closely mimic the symptoms seen in humans with diabetes. These symptoms include excessive thirst and urination, weight loss accompanied with an increase in appetite and general lethargy. Over time the symptoms will become worse and the cat will also begin to experience digestive problems and even hair loss. To treat feline diabetes, the cat's diet is augmented and he is given oral medication and insulin shots.

    Urinary Tract Infection

  • When a cat experiences a urinary tract infection he will often howl out when using the litter box. Since a feline urinary tract infection causes the cat a lot of pain during urination he will begin to urinate all throughout the house to find relief. The cat relates the pain to the location he is urinating rather than an internal problem. While the causes of feline urinary tract infections are unknown, they can become deadly if the urinary tract becomes completely blocked.

    Feline Leukemia

  • Unlike the human version of leukemia, these cat illnesses are caused by a virus and are communicable. However, feline leukemia does not survive long outside of the body so transmision of the disease is somewhat rare. Symptoms of feline leukemia include fever, anemia, depleted appetite, blood in stool, diarrhea, constipation, excessive thirst, weight loss, vomiting, breathing troubles and sometimes tumors. There are no cures for feline leukemia but it is important to isolate the cat to prevent further spread of the disease.

  • Stomatitis
    Stomatitis is a chronic illness in cats similar to gingivitis in people. In cats, it needs to be treated daily or it can become a serious, painful illness for our feline friends.

  • Owners of cats should be conscience of the dental hygiene of their fuzzy friends. Check your cat's mouth periodically for any dental problems. If you notice redness of the gums, mouth ulcers, bad breath, excessive drooling or bleeding of the gums, your cat may have stomatitis.If you suspect your cat has a problem, it is important to get them to a veterinarian quickly. The vet will determine if this is indeed the issue and can get your cat started on treatment right away.

  • 2
    Your veterinarian will probably recommend that you give your cat's teeth a daily brushing. Stomatitis is thought to be caused by tartar buildup on the teeth and daily brushing of your cat's teeth will help to keep tartar at bay and will also help in deterring bad breath. You may also be given a 0.2% chlorhexidine rinse to use. Along with these two things, your pet may be prescribed an antibiotic to help with healing.

  • 3
    Good nutrition is a vital part of keeping your cat healthy and your veterinarian will have recommendations for what type of food to give your pet. Soft food may work better for your cat as stomatitis can be a painful condition and your pet's mouth could be irritated by dry cat food. You might also want to get a vitamin supplement for your cat to help keep your pet's nutritional needs in balance.

  • 4
    Every six months, take your cat back to the veterinarian's office to have their teeth professionally cleaned. This is an important step in maintaining your cat's good dental hygiene.

  • Well this will give you some idea of things to look for when your pet isn't looking for feeling that well. If you think it might be serious, don't hesitate to call your vet. Remember it's you who they depend on, don't brush it off. God Bless and good night